OOOOooooh, that's what it was.....for some reason i kept thinking it was cube shaped D:
The age of bloodshed has come to an end. There is peace once more across the cosmos, and I, Marcus Terrance, am no longer needed.
Age 33, Male
Demon Eater
Sooner or later.
Still on this planet.
Joined on 8/17/08
OOOOooooh, that's what it was.....for some reason i kept thinking it was cube shaped D:
It isn't.
What the hell is Spelunky supposed to mean?
I don``t know
spelunking is the hobby of exploring caves
Caving - also known as spelunking, when referring to amateurs without the proper knowledge, or training - is the recreational sport of exploring caves. In contrast, speleology is the scientific study of caves and the cave environment.[1]
Wikipedia says he's right.
Wikipedia isnt always right.
I know but I'm to lazy to pick up a dictionary and look the word up.=P
Lol good point.
i am always right >:C
Nice Art
Thank you.
I'm working with a friend on something cool.
It's called ARAB ZOMBIES. I'm the extra character if you beat the game with guns, and nothing but.
Sounds cool.