The age of bloodshed has come to an end. There is peace once more across the cosmos, and I, Marcus Terrance, am no longer needed.

Age 33, Male

Demon Eater

Sooner or later.

Still on this planet.

Joined on 8/17/08

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Final Segment of Chapter 1

Posted by deathslayer - February 12th, 2010

11:34 A.M

I'm walking with Lenna and Tori around Hyrule City Market, looking around. There wasn't much talking between us, which wasn't weird for me. Tori finally broke the silence between the three of us "Oi, you guys wanna go to the old temple ruins? I heard it's haunted by Poes." Lenna snorted a laugh "Poes, Tori? What are you, Six?" She laughed a little, Tori grumbled in responce "Well, I kinda wanted Link ta' get out of the fowl-looking mood he is in." I looked at him. "Yeah, Link." Lenna said, agreeing with Tori. "You're more quiet then you usually are." She turned to me, holding my hands while looking into me with concerned eyes. "What's wrong, babe?" I didn't respond, Tori crossed his arms, and gave me a blank look "Yeah dude, W'sup with you?" I sighed, knowing that they won't stop preaching me until I told them, so I told them my dream.

Lenna was looking more sad and a little hurt from that dream, Tori was a little puzzled. "And you're worried about one little dream? Dude, it's just a dream. It doesen't mean anything, it's just random thoughts that come in your head," He turned his head to Lenna "right Lenna?" She looked up at him, and shook her head. Tori blinked. "Ohh kay then...Let's just go."

Hyrulian Temple ruins, 12:06 P.M

Imagine a huge white and black marble church, but with its walls caved in, the roof collapsed, the doors off of their hinges, grass and other weeds starting to grow out of the heavily cracked flooring; that is the Hyrulian Temple for you. Not much is known about it, just that it was a place of worshipping the Gods and Goddesses. "Man..." Tori said, letting his hand slide on some of the still standing wall. "This place hasn't changed a bit, has it Link?" I looked up, and shook my head "This place must have been huge back then. No, colossial is the best way to describe it..." I stepped on something, I looked down, and found a battered up, steel sword, it looked like a gladius, but with a longer blade, the grips were old leather, and the hand guard was made of metal as well. I picked it up, it was a little heavier then I thought, balancing it out. I swung it a couple of times, and twirled the blade in my hand. "Hm, cool, I found a sword." Lenna looked at me holding the sword. "You should find the sheathe of it, it'll be yours then." She trailed, going up the stairs inside the rubbles of the Temple, studying the area. "Hey, boys! Get ova' here!" She yelled, both of us walking up the stairs, I placed the sword near the doorway. "Whatchya' find?" Tori asked, and his jaw dropped. I was in awe what I saw.

Three marble statues were in the middle of the flooring, posed in a triangular formation, having their right hands outstretched to the middle of them. All three were women.

The one that is on top of the triangular formation looked mighty and powerful, sculpted with a triangular breast plate with large spikes on the back of the plate, and a fiery looking crown on her head, she looked like she would've been beautiful...Powerful and mighty, but beautiful. The second one on the bottom left wore loose robes, and was crafted wearing gauntlets. Her hair hung down passed her ass, and she wore a circular-designed tiara, her face had a serious, smart looking feature on her. The third one on the bottom right looked liked her dress were made out of plants, wearing a rose vine tiara. She was scuplted to look very ravashing, probably the most beautiful of the three.

"Woah" Tori announced, with a look of awe on his face as well. "Are these?...." He trailed, then gulped down. "Are these the three goddesses; Din, Nayrue and Farore?" I looked back at him. "They're statues, dumbass." "I know" Replied Tori, annoyed "I ment like are they carved in their images?" Lenna touched the left statue, with a look of fascination on her face. "These weren't here before..." I looked over at Lenna. "What do you mean?..." Lenna blinked, then shook her head "Nevermind, I think my eyes were playing tricks with me..." I walked over towards Farore's statue, and placed my hand on her left leg. Then, I shit you not, I flew back with such force it knocked the wind out of me "GAHH!" I landed on my ass hard, and did a backwards roll, hitting the back of my head slightly. Tori instantly looked at me "Link!!" he shouted, running towards me, Lenna was by my side instantly "Oh my god, Link!! Are you ok?!!" I sat up slowly, a little sore from that. "Umm...I think so...." I rubbed the back of my head with my left hand, and to my surprise....My left hand started...glowing yellow. Tori and Lenna took noticed, and stared at it. Then, it stopped. But then something...odd, was on the back of my hand.

A darker skin toned image of the Triforce.

To be continued.


is he gonna turn out to be like that kid in the omen? D:
but....less evil?

You'll have to find out...

newfags can't triforce
