The age of bloodshed has come to an end. There is peace once more across the cosmos, and I, Marcus Terrance, am no longer needed.

Age 33, Male

Demon Eater

Sooner or later.

Still on this planet.

Joined on 8/17/08

Exp Points:
618 / 710
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> 100,000
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deathslayer's News

Posted by deathslayer - October 7th, 2009

Overtexting. Out of all the redundent things I heard of, texting is the most fucking retarded thing I heard of.

I mean c'mon, it was fine having a cellphone with texting features that you would use atleast once or twice a day, but honestly, texting over 100 times a day is overdoing it, I mean is it HONESTLY that HARD to suck in some breath, shape your lips, and twist your tounge to speak?!

Are we reduced to nothing but using our fingers to fucking talk to other people that we know that we can TALK TOO BY SIMPLY DIALING THE NUMBER AND SPEAKING INTO THE TALK PIECE OF THE PHONE??! Well, 56% of the human population texts, which I Loathe.....I think you know what i'm going to do next.

(I custom made the image myself.)

(Loathe Series) You know what I loathe?

Posted by deathslayer - October 3rd, 2009

Vampira Morasta

The Lonely Girl (Part 2)

After school (Yeah, we got past the boring parts) Jeannette was walking home rather swiftly, her heels clicking as she walked. "Jenny! Wait!" She didn't stop though, only turned down her walking pace as Linda catched up with her, running slowly, Linda finally was walking with her, breathing heavily as her chest was raising up and down, Jeannette didn't look back at her friend, but spoke to her rather quietly "What is it?" Linda rose an eyebrow "Nothing Jenny, I just wanted to walk you home" Jeannette shook her head.

"I didn't need walking home, I'm quite capable of walking home by myself, thank you very much." Linda blinked "But, what if some criminal comes up to you holding a knife, wanting your money?" Jeannette laughed quietly. "You truly are a dumb girl aren't you? Why on earth would a criminal be stalking the streets anyway, when he knows that the authorities are after him, on his trail, taking him into custody for thievery when they find him and pin him down?"

Linda blinked the second time "Well, I would assume the thief would hide, wouldn't he?" Jeanette stopped, and blinked at Linda as if she had A.D.D "I would hide too if I were being chased down." Jeannette started to walk again, totally oblivious towards her friend, Jeannette licked her lips again, and started smiling rather evily, and her lips twisted for her to say words "Linda, would you like to come over to my house?" Linda's face brightened, and stepped towards Jeannette "I-I never been over to your house before though!" Jeannette's eyes glowed red for a moment, and she pressed on towards her house "Well, today is your lucky day Linda" her voice lowered to a whisper "and mine as well..."

A few minutes later....

Jeannette opened her room door, and politely let Linda in first, Linda smiled at Jeannette, looked into the room, and stared in awe at the room, it was a little dark, but it was beautiful, silk window drapes, black carpeting, and the walls were a black wood, with a few photos hung up of Jeannette's family, and a comfortable looking bed, with silk quilts and pillows. "My god..." Linda said, and she dropped her bag "Jeannette, this room is beautiful!" She sat down on the bed, and felt the silk quilt as her hand ran across it, she gasped "This is silk!" Jeannette laughed and nodded "Yes, my mother and father bought it for me, it is truly beautiful and I fall asleep on it every night and don't wake an eyebrow." Jeannette stands and sits beside Linda.

"But do you want to sleep over, tonight Linda?" Linda looked up for a moment, and nodded "Sure! I can borrow some pyjamas, right?" Jeannette nodded "Of course you may...."

End of part 2

Posted by deathslayer - October 2nd, 2009

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*megaman falls* DAHHH!!!


I know you would...

Posted by deathslayer - October 1st, 2009

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BUt whom gives a shit?

I'm being a Nazi Lieutenent for christmas ^,,,,,,,,^


*Knocks on door* *Old man answers with a bowl of candy, he stares at me in fear*

Ich will Ihre Süßigkeiten! Geben Sie mir alle Ihre Süßigkeiten, jubeln Sie Führer zu, jubeln Sie Führer zu, jubeln Sie unserem glourious Führer zu!

SIEG HEIL!! *he runs away in fear dropping the bowl of candy, I take it* Heheheh....works like a charm...

Posted by deathslayer - September 29th, 2009

And that little bitch that promotes FUTUREKICKS, YA? bullshit decided to be a dick and block me because of one little true fact that I made....pff, that I made? Wrote, sorry....

/* */
WARNING: The following video is made out of EPIC FAIL.
Please do not view the video without first using the proper procedures first.

-Having a video full of win at the ready.
-Doing something full of win!
-Eating chocolate.
-Drinking your favorite pop.
-OR Just having an executioner at the ready.

Thank you for your time.

Management of F41L.

My pet emo.

Oh and one more thing. I have a Dead Frontier account. My username is deathslayer111 (Newgrounds is the Devil's number ((6-6-6)) D.F has Jesus's Birthdate ((1-1-1)

Posted by deathslayer - September 27th, 2009

Posted by deathslayer - September 25th, 2009

But I will keep trying at it.

/* */
*Sounds of me playing*

Posted by deathslayer - September 23rd, 2009

Another story, with more parts coming out! (It may be tl;dr.)

Vampira Morasta (Vampire folklore)

The Lonely Girl

Spring, 1864, March 13th

There was a young lady of fourteen, fair skinned, black long hair, beautiful blue eyes, wore black, always wore a veil over her head, and always wore black, long dresses, her hands always gloved. When she went off to school she never talked nor played with the other girls.

One day, she was off to school, waving goodbye to her mother and father, whom she cared little for, away from the safety and warmth of her house which she also cared little for, out into the cruel planet we call home. She stood out in the streets, while all the men were wearing the reasonable brightly coloured clothing of the Victorian fashion of that late period, while the women wore the usual bright coloured dresses of the same period, and the black clad Girl stuck out like a sore thumb in the crowd of many.

When she arrived, it was already present with religious girls talking about religious things with religious books in their hands, as they talked to each other, the Girl finally arrived, another young lady walked by her in the crowd of girls, she was one year younger then the Girl, short, red hair, less then fair skin, she was a rather nervous girl, stammering and stuttering a little before saying a word to the gothic clad girl "Um....uh...Hi, Jeannette" she stammered.

Jeannette glanced at her, removing her black veil, folding it neatly into her pocket, her long black hair curled at the sides, while her bangs were combed straight downward "...What do you want, Linda?" Linda's face flustered in annoyance "I w-was just saying hello, geez! Why do you have to be so moody?" Linda opened the doors to the school; Jeannette stepped in, picking up her dress as she did so "Why do you stand beside me? You're an annoyance"

She turned to Linda "Do you honestly think I'm your friend, just because we talk to each other in classes and what-have-you like that?" Linda stepped a little from Jeannette, a little afraid, Linda gulped, and tried to come up with a retort to that, but had nothing. She sighed "Should I stay away from you today, Jeannette?" Linda frowned at her; Jeannette eyed her, as the happy, talkative girls passed by her, Jeannette finally softened her expression and smiled thinly "...If you want, you may, I don't care." Linda smiled "OH! Um, Okay, thank you Jenny!" Jeannette growled quietly "My name is Jeannette Gotts Baler, NOT Jenny!" Linda giggled at Jeannette "Alright then! Will you help me with my homework here?" "Sure..."Jeannette replied, watching her step into the classroom, and Jeannette licked her lips slowly, then her fangs...."Anything for you, my dearest friend...."

To be continued.

Posted by deathslayer - September 21st, 2009

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.....Do U know where he is? :3

IS MAH 2nd 50th Post.


1.SMACK_UR_LIPS_BITCH: fuckin fagz

XxSMOKEWEEDxX: fukk u fayget//

SMACK_UR_LIPS_BITCH: so whats up bitch?

In short;

More will come up.


Posted by deathslayer - September 17th, 2009

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