The age of bloodshed has come to an end. There is peace once more across the cosmos, and I, Marcus Terrance, am no longer needed.

Age 33, Male

Demon Eater

Sooner or later.

Still on this planet.

Joined on 8/17/08

Exp Points:
618 / 710
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> 100,000
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deathslayer's News

Posted by deathslayer - February 17th, 2010

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How is everyone?

Posted by deathslayer - February 14th, 2010

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Posted by deathslayer - February 12th, 2010

11:34 A.M

I'm walking with Lenna and Tori around Hyrule City Market, looking around. There wasn't much talking between us, which wasn't weird for me. Tori finally broke the silence between the three of us "Oi, you guys wanna go to the old temple ruins? I heard it's haunted by Poes." Lenna snorted a laugh "Poes, Tori? What are you, Six?" She laughed a little, Tori grumbled in responce "Well, I kinda wanted Link ta' get out of the fowl-looking mood he is in." I looked at him. "Yeah, Link." Lenna said, agreeing with Tori. "You're more quiet then you usually are." She turned to me, holding my hands while looking into me with concerned eyes. "What's wrong, babe?" I didn't respond, Tori crossed his arms, and gave me a blank look "Yeah dude, W'sup with you?" I sighed, knowing that they won't stop preaching me until I told them, so I told them my dream.

Lenna was looking more sad and a little hurt from that dream, Tori was a little puzzled. "And you're worried about one little dream? Dude, it's just a dream. It doesen't mean anything, it's just random thoughts that come in your head," He turned his head to Lenna "right Lenna?" She looked up at him, and shook her head. Tori blinked. "Ohh kay then...Let's just go."

Hyrulian Temple ruins, 12:06 P.M

Imagine a huge white and black marble church, but with its walls caved in, the roof collapsed, the doors off of their hinges, grass and other weeds starting to grow out of the heavily cracked flooring; that is the Hyrulian Temple for you. Not much is known about it, just that it was a place of worshipping the Gods and Goddesses. "Man..." Tori said, letting his hand slide on some of the still standing wall. "This place hasn't changed a bit, has it Link?" I looked up, and shook my head "This place must have been huge back then. No, colossial is the best way to describe it..." I stepped on something, I looked down, and found a battered up, steel sword, it looked like a gladius, but with a longer blade, the grips were old leather, and the hand guard was made of metal as well. I picked it up, it was a little heavier then I thought, balancing it out. I swung it a couple of times, and twirled the blade in my hand. "Hm, cool, I found a sword." Lenna looked at me holding the sword. "You should find the sheathe of it, it'll be yours then." She trailed, going up the stairs inside the rubbles of the Temple, studying the area. "Hey, boys! Get ova' here!" She yelled, both of us walking up the stairs, I placed the sword near the doorway. "Whatchya' find?" Tori asked, and his jaw dropped. I was in awe what I saw.

Three marble statues were in the middle of the flooring, posed in a triangular formation, having their right hands outstretched to the middle of them. All three were women.

The one that is on top of the triangular formation looked mighty and powerful, sculpted with a triangular breast plate with large spikes on the back of the plate, and a fiery looking crown on her head, she looked like she would've been beautiful...Powerful and mighty, but beautiful. The second one on the bottom left wore loose robes, and was crafted wearing gauntlets. Her hair hung down passed her ass, and she wore a circular-designed tiara, her face had a serious, smart looking feature on her. The third one on the bottom right looked liked her dress were made out of plants, wearing a rose vine tiara. She was scuplted to look very ravashing, probably the most beautiful of the three.

"Woah" Tori announced, with a look of awe on his face as well. "Are these?...." He trailed, then gulped down. "Are these the three goddesses; Din, Nayrue and Farore?" I looked back at him. "They're statues, dumbass." "I know" Replied Tori, annoyed "I ment like are they carved in their images?" Lenna touched the left statue, with a look of fascination on her face. "These weren't here before..." I looked over at Lenna. "What do you mean?..." Lenna blinked, then shook her head "Nevermind, I think my eyes were playing tricks with me..." I walked over towards Farore's statue, and placed my hand on her left leg. Then, I shit you not, I flew back with such force it knocked the wind out of me "GAHH!" I landed on my ass hard, and did a backwards roll, hitting the back of my head slightly. Tori instantly looked at me "Link!!" he shouted, running towards me, Lenna was by my side instantly "Oh my god, Link!! Are you ok?!!" I sat up slowly, a little sore from that. "Umm...I think so...." I rubbed the back of my head with my left hand, and to my surprise....My left hand started...glowing yellow. Tori and Lenna took noticed, and stared at it. Then, it stopped. But then something...odd, was on the back of my hand.

A darker skin toned image of the Triforce.

To be continued.

Posted by deathslayer - February 11th, 2010

Part 3

Link's House- 10:34 P.M

"...Sure, why not?" I replied, talking to Lenna on my Cellphone, getting comfy in my bed. She giggled in responce "Well, mayyyybe if you're a good boy this week, i'll think about it..." I nodded, but realised I was on the phone and said "Well allright then. I'mma gonna go, talk to you tommorow." We said our goodbyes, and hung up on each other, and then I closed my eyes and dozed off.

A dream...I haven't had one of those in a while. It was dark, so dark I couldn't see my own body. Then, a bright golden light lit up in the distance, I put my arm in the way of my eyes, and then moved my hand out of the way. Only to reveal one of the most oddest sites I have seen in a long while. Three golden triangles that joined together in a specific pattern to make a larger triangle...I remembered this in history class, this was an anchient holy symbol of Old Hyrule. The Triforce. They say that who ever touches it gets their deepest wishes to come into reality....

Then out of nowhere there was a shout behind me "Hurry Link!" I shot my head back and saw a girl, about my age with straight brown hair, then I realized who it was; It was Lenna, and she had a look of worry and panic on her face. "Hurry, dammit!!!" she screamed, more frightened and anxious looking. "If that thing comes, it'll KILL US!!" I nodded at her, a little shaken up myself, running for the triforce. I reached up to it and stopped, allowing my hand to touch the bottom right triangle. Just as my hand approached it, I felt a great sharp pain shooting into my back. I yowled in pain, and fell over onto my chest, still screaming from the pain. I rolled onto my back, seeing the blood flow from my back onto the ground. Lenna was standing right behind me grinning evily, she was holding a freshly bloodstained Bowie Knife. She licked her lips while bringing the knife up to her mouth, then licking the blade. "Well, I gotten to you first before that monster got to you...but thanks, love you never...."

I woke up screaming, and clutching onto my bed sheets with sweat running down my face. "What the hell?" I asked, expecting an answer. "It was just a dream, a really bad dream." I reassured myself, sinking back into my mattress whiping the sweat off of my forehead and slowly falling back to sleep, hoping for a more pleasent dream.

Posted by deathslayer - February 9th, 2010

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Atleast im done.

Posted by deathslayer - February 6th, 2010

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it's been quiet lately...No shitty trolls to troll.....hm....

Posted by deathslayer - February 6th, 2010

Part 2

May 24, 2024.

9:58 A.M

Hyrule Castle: Large, almost collosial. This structure is made out of marble of both black and white, prayers to the Gods were etched on all seven of the towers, while storm clouds spun over the view of Death Mountian; A active volcano that will very much erupt in a good few millenia (That's what the experts say). The castle is heavily guarded by well, soldiers, one about to report to her highness, Princess Zelda.

"M'lady" Said the guard, breathless. Zelda looked upon him from her chair in her room while she was doing her hair "What is it?" She asked. The soldier gulped, and spoke "It is that magician, he wishes to speak with you, he said it is urgent for you to hear of this news immedietly!" he breathes in relife, she stands from her chair. "Fine, I shall speak with him....Wait." She paused for a moment. "Where is my Father? Shouldn't he speak with him instead of me, what's going on?" She asked, flustering slightly. The guard looked at her solemly "You must ask the Chancellor about this matter, the one with the--".
"Large glasses and balding head, yes, I know whom the Chancellor is, and he is my advisor in the time of treaty and justice...But you did not answer my question soldier, where is my father?!" She was getting a little impatient for an answer, The guard simply started to walk down the hall, he yelled back at her,"Hurry, M'Lady, he grows impatient!" She catches up, trailing behind the soldier swiftly, while other guards walking the halls nod at the Princess "Mornin' M'lady" "Goodday, Princess" "M'lady..."...

"You did not dissapoint, Zelda." Said Chancellor Kuros, a short man with grey hair, wearing a brown suit with a black tie, and large glasses that make his eyes huge. "The Magician was getting impatient, he must see you immedielty!" He said, raising a finger. "But chancellor" Protested Zelda. She had a lump in her throat that wouldn't go down, she tried to swallow it, and asked him the question. "Where is my father?" She asked quietly. There was a silence in the room, an akward, sudden silence and Kuros shook his head, with a expression of guilt on his. "....We will disscuss matters of King Hyrule later, now, about the meeting...He must be anxious to see you, him being from out of the province, of course..." He opened the wooden door to the Meeting Chamber for Zelda, and motioned her to enter. She took a breath, and stepped in.

Meeting Room, 10:02 A.M

The room was completely circular, large, with roman-like art on the sides of the pillars, with Roman pillars circulating around a wooden, rectangular table with many chairs present around it, all but one are empty. At the far end of the table, a tall, dark figure wearing black robes, a black short cone hat that points upward, white hair and blue skin, with two blood-red eyes. The man looked up at her almost immedietly, reviling his face.

"...Why, good morning, Princess. I could've swarn this room lit up with light when you walked in." He said, complimenting. Zelda did not take that lightly, glaring at him while sitting on the other end of the table. "Hmph...You're the Magician, the one whom was said to calm the waves of Hyrule Sea, the one whom is able to stop earthquakes, clog volcanos, stop men dead in their tracks, heal the sick, and destroy the evil..." She smirks, her eyes twinkling in the light. ".....Vatti...." Vatti, the Magician grinned at her saying his name. "Why, it is an honour for you to state my buisness and name, Princess." His smile turns into a frown "But I am not here to flirt with you, princess, I am hear to tell you of important matters." He stretched for a moment, placing his feet ontop of the table, leaning back on his chair. "You see, after so much time, It seems that Darkness comes out of Balance, causing Chaos and evil creation of monsters, correct? Correct. Now, since we have such technological advances here in the 23rd century, we are able to rip Dark Matter out of space, make water out of iron-oxides, reach as far as Plunous 28 in our Solar System, make bionic parts for humans whom have had an amputation, and harvest pure Neutronic Energy out of Neutron Stars. We do have a solution for complete balance, per se." He explains, looking at Zelda sheeplishly. "All we need you to do, Princess" He continues, giving her a devilish look "Is to allow Hyrule to have a new King..." Vatti finishes, eyeing on a small pile of paper. He points at it, somehow, levitates it towards Princess Zelda, and lands infront of her. "All YOU need to do now, is sign those pap-" "No." Zelda interrupts "I refuse to have a city such as Hyrule City be taken over by shit like you." She stands, hands on the table. "Who do you think we are?! Weak, incompitant fools that take any offer?! You are insane to think I would allow trash like you to make my father, King Redus Hyrule III, turn up his kingdom to some bastard prince! Us, the Royal Family Of Hyrule, have been taking Hyrule under OUR order since the beginning of the Lands!!" She breathed heavily, out of words, she would never allow such a thing to cross into her, and her father's kingdom...Not in a time like this....

He simply laughed in responce. "Mhmhmhmhmhmhmm...Alright then, Princess. I didn't say you had to...But..." He frowned, and stood up from his chair. "It is your fault if Hyrule falls in the next three decades or so, without any help..* He pasued to giggle a little "...No help at all, that is like a person bringing a knife to a sword fight" He started to walk past the table, and out the door, laughing darkly, louder and louder as he walked farther and farther away, leaving Zelda flushed, and sweating at the brow., Kuros was patiently waiting outside of the Meeting Room. "I cannot belive that man...."

Hyrule Castle, 6th floor. 10:11 A.M

She let out a frustrated breath, and swung open the door, stepping out, glaring at Kuros. "Do you know what he asked me, Kuros?! He asked me to replace the King, my father!!" She was hurt by this, tearing slightly at the eyes. Kuros shook his head, and gave her a solem look. "Maybe you should have accepted his terms, My Princess..." Zelda gave him a surprised look. Kuros continued.

"You see Zelda, The King, your father, was assassinated by 2 gerudo members, with Pulse Crossbows..." Kuros hung his head, sad and regretful that he had to tell that awful news to the princess.

"Gerudos?...Bu-...How? Why?..." She started. Tears trailing down her face, her eyes glossening with wetness, her jaw trembling.

Posted by deathslayer - February 3rd, 2010

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Fer a friend.

Well, if he wants it, that is.

STORY TIEM: Warning, this one is LONG. AS. SHIT.

May 25, 2024.

Hyrule City...It seems like paradise. Sure, some of the buildings look old, worn out, but that's because they are. Our city is huge, with many roads, tall steel buildings, old stone temples that reflect our anchient history, blue sky mostly every day, and of course, the people. The wise men and women say that the anchient race, the Hylians went extinct somewhere around 1204 A.D. Since then, Hyrule holds many humans....

The morning sun's light pours into my bedroom window and shines in my eyes, waking me up, I check the clock, 7:29 in the morning. That's what you'd get use to in Hyrule; No matter what season it is; Fall, Winter, Summer and Spring, the sun always rises early. I shift through my dark blonde hair, and unroll myself out of bed, and head for the bathroom. I look into the mirror inside the small bathroom, admiring my looks, staring at my own blue eyes, everyone in my family has blue eyes, exept my sister, Ari who has green eyes, and my uncle, who has Orange eyes. After I finished my routine in the bathroom, I headed up the stairs to go for breakfast, there, I seen my Auntie preparing bacon and eggs, she looked back at me, and smiled, her orange hair glowing in the sunlight "Mornin' Link!" she said, I nodded in reply, and sat down with my uncle, whom was reading 'The Hyrule Weekly', and then he finally noticed me and looked up at me. He was a rather large type of guy, but he had muscle, his black hair and thick moustache really suited him "Mornin, my boy, how'd you sleep?" "Good." I replied, he smiled at me and went back to reading the highlights "Mmmm, we lost another Baseball game, kid" He stated, baseball was a widly popular Hyrulian sport, our team was The Hyrule Hawks. Auntie sighed "That was the second time this month we lost, who'd we lose to?" She asked as she served the breakfast, she served herself as well with toast and fried eggs. "Tremania Tunnelers, girly." He said as he munched on a piece of bacon, I finished my breakfast first, and headed out the door "Where you goin' Link?" Uncle yelled as I put on my plain green baggy hoody and brown leather gloves, "Out to find my friends!" I yelled back "You be home by Ten-thirty, Link!" By the time he said that, I was already outside.

Hyrule City West Side, 8:31 A.M

"It's only a little walk" I said to myself. And it was, to get to the main shopping town, you just walk east for about ten minutes. The duplexes on this side of the town were made out of steel on the outside, wood on the inside, The lawns were nice and green, and everything seemed clean in this side of town, The East side wasn't much different, just not as populated as the West side of town.

Hyrule City Shopping Center, 8:43 A.M

Finally, I get to the shopping center. It was heavily populated, 24/7 there was people walking around, laughing, having a good time, shopping, gossiping, little kids playing around the HUGE fountian in the middle of the Shopping center, and there were many shops: Clothing Shops, Food Markets, Thrift Stores, Blacksmith Workshops, Inns, Pubs, and some shooting galleries. I seen my group of friends chillin' in the back of the fountian, there were only three of them: Tori, who was my best friend since grade 1, Lenna, who was the only girl in our group and my girlfriend, and Gerus, who is Tori's younger brother. Lenna was the first one to notice me, she smiled, and walked towards me "Mornin' sleepy head, we were up since Five, what the hell?" She gave me a hug, I hugged her back, she was a pretty little thing too, Dark brown hair, green eyes, and always wore tight jeans and her favorite skull blue shirt, Tori greeted me next "Sup, bro from another hoe?' I smiled and laughed, giving him a playful punch on the shoulder, Gerus was the last to greet me, he was more of the nervous type, didn't talk much, like me, he waved at me and I waved back, Lenna looked into my eyes with an anxious grin "OOH, Link, you MUST come to that new clothing store with us, they got all sorts of clothes from everywhere in Hyrule!" She said as we were walking to the store, Tori nodded in agreement with Lenna's statement "Yeah man, their clothes are awesome." I nodded and smiled as well "Alright then, I'll come."

New Clothing Store, 8:53 A.M

It looked really cool in there, looked like Hot Topic, but with different clothes, more colourful types of Bunny Hugs, Sweaters, Shirts, Tunics (If you're into that sort of shit) shoes, boots, everything! I gandered at the clothes, realizing I wasn't carrying any Rupees with me, we could only browse. I noticed an odd suit, it was a green tunic, with a belt, and a green cone hat that reached down to the crack of your ass "Geez, who in their right mind would wear that?" Tori said as he was staring at the suit "Like c'mon, what are we, in the anchient years?" The shopkeep overheard us, a 40 year old woman with black short hair and stylish clothing "That piece of clothing is actually a piece of Hyrulian history, kid" She said, putting down the magazine she was reading. "Those clothes were said to have been worn by the Hero of Light. Back then, the colour green represented courage." I looked down at the green hoodie I was wearing, letting my mind wander for a while....

Thunder crackled as a mysterious figure stood ontop of a cliff near Death Mountian, and old volcano that was still active after the time of Old Hyrule, the figure wore nothing but black, wore a strange, short triangular headpiece, black robes with purple runes on them, pale blue skin, and red eyes. The figure was staring at Hyrule city, letting the wind flow within him. "Soon, My lord, this city, and the rest of Hyrule, shall be yours to keep..."


Posted by deathslayer - February 1st, 2010

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Posted by deathslayer - January 31st, 2010

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Well, I think so...


Ever since Google took over Jewtube....*Shakes head in dissapointment*....